Step 3 Of Quotation Process: Begin Evaluation

In order to be as accurate as possible, it is recommended that you use the formula approach to estimating costs. This means that the project is broken down into the lowest common denominators of tasks and hours. It must be determined how many hours are required to perform each task.

Due to the fact that there are numerous dependencies and outside forces that surround a quotation, it makes sense to provide a range of hours for each task, with the low end representing a more skeptical scenario, and the high end representing a more optimistic scenario. NOTE: This method is also used in the grand total of hours and the cost calculation.

As an example, development of a software user guide from scratch may include such tasks as:
–product ramp-up
–content development
–graphics development
–interviewing SMEs
–project coordination
–verification and test
..and so on

Determining hours of effort per task does require experience. However, an experienced technical communicator should be able to call upon their knowledge base as their reference point.